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You Can Learn Leadership Presence

October 21, 2014

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You Can Learn Leadership Presence

I’ve noticed lately that leadership or executive presence is getting increasing airspace.

Some people are calling it the “X factor” in leadership.

I’m frequently engaged to coach leaders in enhancing their leadership presence.

In the military we had to learn it from scratch, because we were so young at the time. I was only nineteen.

On the battle field, where command and control prevails, the core components of leadership presence are:

Bearing – how you hold and present yourself.

Fitness – your physical ability to handle the weight and conditions under fire.

Confidence – if you aren’t confident it will show and your people will doubt your decision making.

Resilience – you must lead the way in arduous conditions, regardless of how you might feel.

Off the battlefield, whether on duty or not, you still model the way. Whilst the battlefield criteria of bearing, fitness, confidence and resilience are still expected of you, they are tempered with care, use of appropriate humour, firmness yet fairness, allowing input and consensus to add to decision making of a non-crucial nature. There is a lightness of touch without compromising your values.

There is little need for command and control off the battle field and its inappropriate use will damage your credibility as a leader and rapidly detract from your leadership presence.

The best way to learn leadership presence is self-awareness, consistent correct practice and the use of video to see with your own eyes how you are coming across. It is a coachable learnable skill.

What are your thoughts about leadership presence?

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