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Why Female Executives Should Hire a Male Executive Coach

January 27, 2015

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Why Female Executives Should Hire a Male Executive Coach

I am privileged to have coached a number of female executives, all who have risen to more prominence and success as leaders.

Females make great leaders, provided they can earn the trust and respect of their fellow male executives.

If they can earn the trust and respect of their peers, then the rest will follow.

The reality to be faced is that there are still more male executives than female.

Clarity about how to earn the more numerous male peers’ trust and respect is the key.

Gaining those insights will come better when assisted by an expert in male executives.

Hence I recommend that female executives will benefit from having an expert and male executive coach.

That doesn’t mean the female executive shouldn’t also have an expert and female executive coach.

The wise and committed female executive will hire both.

Grab my complimentary guide for selecting and working with an executive coach regardless of gender –it’s in my LinkedIn profile summary.

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