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Leadership Development Must be Practical

September 17, 2013

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The programs that abound for “Leadership Development” should be split into those that deal with managing and those that deal with leading.

Whilst it is true that today’s leaders must also manage and vice versa, we still need to separate the two, in my opinion, for one simple reason. I think management is the greatest contributor to employee disengagement.

I think management has nothing to do with leading people.

Management is ensuring systems and processes and are kept current and utilised effectively. Because of technology we now spend more time in front of a computer managing data, systems and processes or reporting on them.

Leadership is about influencing, persuading and supporting people to willingly do their best according to shared values and shared goals. Because of technology and the demands of the management function; we are not spending enough time with our people. And even if we did, we don’t know how to behave and converse as leaders.

Leadership is more about behaviour than knowledge.

Reading a book or attending a classroom based course will give you knowledge about leadership. You’ll become a better leader only when you practice it in real life.

Practical reality based leadership programs designed for the specific company, with a focus on coaching in the workplace, will deliver you the best return on investment.

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