Tag: Coaching

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September 8, 2016

Psychopath or Lacking People Skills?

With my background in leading covert law enforcement, I have received training and experience with the criminal psychopath. The difference between the criminal psychopath or sociopath (there is constant interchangeability of usage between the two labels – to me they are so similar as to be the same) and the workplace psychopath, is that the […]

May 26, 2016

How CEOs Can Avoid the Wrong Hire for a Senior Position

Gallup’s data shows that 82% of managers are ‘wrong hires’. As CEO, you are ultimately accountable for that error, aren’t you? The HR department can only go on what is given them and they are often so risk averse that they’ll not effectively challenge key assumptions that lead to the wrong hire. Untested role description, […]

August 20, 2015

What’s Your Style of Leadership?

The man in the grey suit approached as we were taking a coffee break in my presentation on the “12 C’s of Effective Leadership Behaviour” from my book “The Wheel of Effective Leadership Behaviour”. “So which leadership style do you advocate?” he asked. I paused then said “I don’t advocate any particular style of leadership.” […]

July 30, 2015

This will upset some HR People

A recent UK report arguing for HR to add more value to M&A deals is extremely revealing. Not only does it show the lack of effectiveness of HR in M&A’s, it also reveals the secret ambition of HR – to be the leaders in their corporation. The article suggests the HR professional should coach senior […]

July 1, 2015

Is Your Succession Plan Working?

I asked my new CEO client that question. She said “Well we haven’t needed to use it yet.” I asked “OK, are you practicing your plan?” She thought and said “Yes, when people are on leave or absent for some reason.” I asked “So are any of your potential successors practicing in the roles whilst […]

January 27, 2015

Why Female Executives Should Hire a Male Executive Coach

I am privileged to have coached a number of female executives, all who have risen to more prominence and success as leaders. Females make great leaders, provided they can earn the trust and respect of their fellow male executives. If they can earn the trust and respect of their peers, then the rest will follow. […]

November 11, 2014

Seven Questions Engaged Leaders Regularly Ask

We don’t have enough leaders who are effectively engaged with their employees. That is the primary reason why ‘employee engagement’ remains a hot topic. How can you expect employees to be engaged in their work if their leaders aren’t effectively engaged with them? Most leaders are very busy. Strategy meetings; studying spreadsheets; spinning sound bites; […]

October 30, 2014

The Great Leadership Gender Myth

True: there are currently more male leaders than female in commerce and government. False: that means that male leaders are more capable than female leaders. Political correctness, equity, equality and culture have all had an impact on perceptions about which gender is best suited for leadership. I say that gender alone has no significance on […]

October 23, 2014

The Tragic Rise of the Under Developed Leader

The HR Manager told me that we couldn’t call the leadership development project “coaching” because the CEO doesn’t believe in coaching for leaders. The CEO has stated that leaders should be developed enough to not need coaching; that they wouldn’t have made it thus far if they were deficient. That CEO and his Chief Operating […]

October 21, 2014

You Can Learn Leadership Presence

I’ve noticed lately that leadership or executive presence is getting increasing airspace. Some people are calling it the “X factor” in leadership. I’m frequently engaged to coach leaders in enhancing their leadership presence. In the military we had to learn it from scratch, because we were so young at the time. I was only nineteen. […]

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