Tag: Conflict

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July 7, 2021

A Common Cause of Difficult People, Conflict and Under Performance?

Have you considered the impact of individual and collective negative self-talk? For most of us it’s based upon our existing limiting beliefs and is a reaction to the triggers of those beliefs. They can cause us to judge ourselves, others and our situations, making them identical to our limiting beliefs.   That negative self-talk reflects our […]

September 9, 2014

The Truth about Office Politics

When I hear someone say they don’t play office politics, I know they are either lying or losing. We are tribal and therefore we play politics within our tribe and outside it – it’s human nature. What matters is how we play politics. Positively or negatively. The rules for how we play politics are set […]

August 7, 2014

Look in the Mirror

I’m committed to life-long improvement of my leadership skills. That has me reflecting regularly to examine how I’ve performed and how I can improve. On one early occasion when leading a team of law-enforcement agents at a crime scene, I relieved an officer from duty for consistent poor operational performance. On this occasion he had […]

February 25, 2014

The Leader Resolving Conflict

Joe and Sharon were at loggerheads with each other and neither would budge from their stance. Joe was the general manager his company’s southern territory and Sharon managed the northern territory. They both reported to Phil, the marketing director. The fight was over sales staff numbers and advertising spend. Joe’s territory had traditionally generated the […]

February 18, 2014

How to Rebuild a Dysfunctional Team Rapidly

The pace of change, the busyness of executives and the lack of trained leaders are just some of the causes for team dysfunction, not to mention the primary three – fear, habits and ignorance. The Warning Signs Tasks not completed on time Less than useful meetings Overuse of email and particularly the CC line Rework […]

November 14, 2013

Dealing with Conflict - The Leader's Challenge

Rated by many leaders as one of their major concerns, conflict within the organisation causes them loss of sleep, stress and frustration. Conflict between direct reports; conflict about which values must be compromised or prioritised; conflict between directors and the executive – they are constant and troublesome. The leader’s sense of responsibility and concern about […]

September 5, 2013

Accidents, Mistakes, Conflict and Dysfunction - solving the problem at a strategic level

The huge ore truck slid sideways down the slope and then rolled as its load shifted. By the time it had reached the bottom of the open pit the ore had been scattered, the truck destroyed and the driver was dead. The investigation pointed to a number of causes: Driver fatigue Roadway too narrow Insufficient […]

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