Tag: Expectations

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April 26, 2018

Making Assumptions and Holding Expectations is Mistaken

Why do some of us insist on making assumptions and holding expectations? Assumptions are just guesses and expectations are assumptions about others’ behaviour, actions and outcomes being in line the holder’s thoughts or opinions. I waste no time with assumptions. What I do instead is ask questions to get answers that are factual. If the […]

July 10, 2014

Expectations or Agreements?

I listened to the CEO address his senior managers at their annual conference. He painted a picture of new growth and opportunity, sharing his vision for the coming year and how it aligned with the bigger and longer term vision. I watched his managers pay genuine attention to the oration. It was indeed inspiring. The […]

April 8, 2014

Emotional Intelligence or Attitudinal Competence?

Ever since Daniel Goleman published his 1985 book Emotional Intelligence – why it can matter more than IQ – a debate has raged over the value and importance of emotional intelligence without resolution. Wikipedia carries this definition: Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and […]

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