Tag: Unconditional respect

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November 5, 2015

Imagine This: Muslim Leaders Unite to Exile Radical Imams and Declare ISIS Takfiri

Given that ISIS has killed more Muslims than anyone else it was not surprising that the global leaders of moderate Islam, the vast majority, have finally taken action. Knowing that violence begets violence and will not stop the violence conducted by criminal psychopaths hiding behind religion, whether radical imam, supporter or ISIS soldier, courageous moderate […]

October 28, 2014

Four Generations in One Workplace - So?

The four generations of Silents (born circa 1920’s – 40’s); Baby Boomers (born circa 1940’s – 60’s); Gen X (born circa 1960’s – 80’s) and Gen Y or Millennials (born circa 1980’s – 00’s) are modern labels given to the four generations we find currently in our wider workplace. There has been much ado about […]

October 29, 2013

The Simplest Way to be Great

I’ve spent many years observing and learning from great people. Some of them are high profile, but most are the opposite. The difference between authentically great people who are high profile, and those who are low profile, depends only upon media interest. They are great not because of what they do – that is a […]

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