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The Simple Main Reason Why Most Organisational Change Initiatives Fail

March 2, 2017

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If the collective brain doesn’t rewire sufficiently to embrace the desired change, the result is failure to change.

It’s that simple.

The many elaborate change models used by organisations have the astoundingly consistent failure rate of 70%.

Most of those models do not adequately address the reality that change will not occur in the person until their brain has rewired to accommodate the change.

It is no different to learning to walk, or learning a language, or riding a bike.  The brain must rewire to accommodate the new skill and understanding.

The people who seem to least understand this are the senior leaders who must sponsor and champion the change.

Consequently, they simply make the statement “we must change” and expect that it will be done. Not to mention those who want others to change but not themselves.

Effective change requires these three primary components:

  1. A compelling reason why to make the change, not just for the corporation, but also for the people.
  2. A thorough plan that accounts for natural resistance and the need for flexibility and sustainability in the plan itself.
  3. Coaching and collaborative leadership at all levels, that will be persistent, consistent and patient.

Without these three being present always, the most comprehensive change model will yield failure.

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