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Are These the Two Crucial Elements of Effective Leadership?

October 27, 2016

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There are a multitude of leadership models, all aimed at producing the best way forward for improving leadership.

Why? Because it is proven that effective leadership is the single most important factor in organisational success.

So how could we cut through all the models and theory and look at what might matter the most, and that we can measure?

I propose that Respectful Relationships – Rewarding Results Quadrant Model© will be the easiest to measure and matters most to all stakeholders.

Here’s how it looks:


1st Quadrant – Low Respect/Low Results – the ineffective, undeveloped leader. Major gains can be made with effective development.

2nd Quadrant – Low Respect/High Results – most likely a short-term results position and often the sign of a workplace psychopath at the helm. Could improve subject to not being a workplace psychopath.

3rd Quadrant – High Respect/Low Results – most likely a leader who is liked and is caring, but can’t gain execution. Often mistakes popularity for respect. Most likely compromised leadership. Could improve with development.

4th Quadrant - High Respect/High Results – the sign of a developed leader. However, there is always room for improvement. The challenge is adapting to rapid change, and dealing with the unacceptable whilst keeping trust and respect.


These issues of relationships and results must be considered in the context of time. Strategic advantage is always in the context of time.

The speed in which leaders gain and keep relationships and results is what will set them apart, especially during times of deliberate or unintended disruption.

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