The Best Return on Investment

August 15, 2013

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Read more in this topic category: Business Alignment

ScalesWhy is a corporation’s return on investment (ROI) benchmarked against current bank interest rates?

I was once told that it was because you could decide whether to keep your money in the bank for no effort and little risk, or invest it in a business where the risks and effort are higher.

I have since come to learn that corporate profit and growth can never deliver a better ROI that can be achieved by investing appropriate company revenue in developing the capabilities of their people, in their attitudinal competence, their leadership, their thinking skills and their technical competencies.

ROI of greater than 400% is readily achieved with the right consulting, training, development, coaching and measurement. Can you show me how you can better that from core operations?

The resulting ROI underwrites the company’s ROI to shareholders and sustains its growth and profitability.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts with us.

Read more in this topic category: Business Alignment
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