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The Cost of Delay

September 3, 2013

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CEOs discover challenges all the time. They notice when things aren't as they should be.

They also get distracted by new issues. Attempting to cover the ground they quickly delegate the issue to others.

Since accountability is at an all time low, along with engagement and productivity, the issues aren't dealt with effectively. Their rectification is delayed at best or allowed to continue at worst.

The downward spiral continues until the eleventh hour when the cost of recovery becomes critical and high risk.

All this can be avoided by the leadership team becoming more unified, higher performing and able to get traction with accountability.

The leadership team, at all levels, needs to exude the energy, the passion and the commitment to enrol their people to be likewise.

They can start by “de-toxing” themselves from the endless circus of data gathering, analysis and reporting, managing email and pointless meetings.

When they carve out time to actually lead - to be inspiring, to influence, persuade, coach and support their people to be great - then they'll reap the reward.

The greatest pity is that too many of those leaders do not know how to have those conversations.

Despite that, all is not lost. Gaining those skills is not rocket science and only requires regular coaching from a suitably qualified and experienced coach.

If the leadership team was to invest a day in customised training that relates specifically to their workplace, then had regular monthly two hour coaching sessions that were directly related to specific conversations and outcomes, then engagement, performance and productivity would all lift measurably.

What will you do about this?

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