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Are You a Closet Crucial Conversation Coward?

September 27, 2018

Blog Topic

Here’s how you can tell if you are:

  1. Persistent problems in your business.
  2. You feel it’s too risky to approach the perpetrator/s.
  3. You don’t want to make it worse.
  4. You kid yourself that it will get better naturally.
  5. You have a feeling of guilt about it, sometimes keeping you awake at night.

Whilst these feelings are understandable, the fact is that all persistent problems in business are largely due to the lack of these timely crucial conversations.

The problems are expensive and potentially catastrophic if not fixed, aren’t they?

But it also risky to try and fix them isn’t it?

It’s often too late by the time the problem becomes a crisis or emergency, which if left unresolved will almost certainly occur.

Fortunately, there is a viable rapid solution.

I help my clients to rapidly acquire the skill of conducting crucial constructive conversations, sometimes even doing it for them initially.

At the same time, I help them to deal with the destructive conversations that might be directed at them, which is the other side of the coin.

Because of the high demand for this service, I’m delivering a one-day workshop on “How to Nail Your Most Difficult Conversation” on 24th October at the Wollaston Conference Centre in Mt Claremont 2010 Western Australia.

You can get all the details here.   But quickly, the workshop will equip you and resource you to deal with those risky dangerous conversations, and I’ll give you ongoing email access to me to help you in dealing with any specific conversational problem in the future.

This is possibly more valuable to you than anything else you might be doing on 24th October, so why don’t you bite the bullet and attend?

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