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Improving the Australian Post Millennials - Generation Z

February 18, 2016

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Australia has a number of challenges with the up and coming Generation Z (those currently aged between 18 and 30).

Too many are obese, are binge drinkers and drug users, screen addicted, self-absorbed and still dependent upon their ageing parents for accommodation and domestic support.

Too many do little for anyone other than themselves.

Australia is headed for tougher times, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Public development is hampered by lack of available funds and mounting national debt.

I believe there is a way of relieving some of the above challenges.

That way is to re-introduce two years consecutive National Service for people of both genders between the age of 19 and 30, where the first six months must be served in the military (navy, army, air force) and the balance either in the military, police, fire and emergency or para-medical, or any of the community service NGOs e.g. disability and aged care; Red Cross; foreign aid NGOs.

They don’t have to be combatant and can elect to serve in support or non-combatant roles.

They can elect to serve their two consecutive years at any time between the ages of 19 and 30.

They’ll all be paid the same basic wages for their service, regardless of where they go.

Here’s what they’ll personally gain:

  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Self-discipline
  • Independence
  • Camaraderie
  • Teamwork skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Technical and operational skills and experience.

Here’s what Australia will gain:

  • A strong cohort of people who have the qualities listed above.
  • The manpower to achieve infrastructure, community development and improvement goals.
  • An improved Australian culture in all fields of endeavour and service.
  • A more resilient population able to live and work together better whether in the public or private sectors.
  • Improved productivity, creativity and innovation as a result of the above.

My concern is that there may be no political party with the courage to raise the issue for mature discussion.

What do you think?

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