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Making Assumptions and Holding Expectations is Mistaken

April 26, 2018

Blog Topic

Why do some of us insist on making assumptions and holding expectations?

Assumptions are just guesses and expectations are assumptions about others’ behaviour, actions and outcomes being in line the holder’s thoughts or opinions.

I waste no time with assumptions. What I do instead is ask questions to get answers that are factual.

If the question is crucial and there is no factual answer yet, I’ll prepare for the range of possibilities, and be ready to act on emerging evidence.

Likewise, with expectations, I waste no time with them, I make agreements instead.

It’s far more effective and honourable.

The arrogant leader says, “I expect (such and such) of you.”

Sounds very authoritative, but is ineffective because it assumes agreement, where there may be an unspoken disagreement.

The wiser leader asks, “We need to do (task) because (compelling reason), will you help us do (such and such)?"

Assumptions and expectations are rife in organisations, especially where the culture is one of entitlement, blaming, avoidance and internal competition.

In those cultures assumptions and expectations are used both as weapons and shields.

The functional culture will ask questions and make agreements.

Do you agree or disagree?

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