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My Passion is Frustrating Me!

September 2, 2014

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FrustrationThose of you who know me know that my passion is Attitudinal Competence and Effective Leadership Behaviour.

I’ve devoted the last 20 years to helping people master their attitudes so they can live the life they choose; helping leaders master their attitudes and behaviour so they can have trust respect and performance from their people.
I’ve written books, articles and blogs about those two wings of success. I’ve coached trained consulted and delivered keynotes.
Along the way I’ve helped well over a hundred and fifty organisations and many hundreds of individuals personally to achieve their goals through that work. Am I delighted with that? Definitely – I’m grateful, humbled and inspired by them.

But I remain frustrated because I keep seeing so many more people including leaders who aren’t accessing these simple, logical, emotionally positive, readily available and learnable practices.

Instead I see people focussing first on things material, which are affected by attitudes and leadership behaviours more than anything else.

That’s like expecting to cook a meal without heat! Adding and refining ingredients won’t cause the cooking.

What more can I do to have more people realise that their success is so easily within their reach?

I’ve written a special report freely available to show exactly why and how those wings of success can be made readily available to everyone.

I’d welcome any ideas to help me get the message out more effectively.


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