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The Biggest Elephant in the Global Room

February 14, 2019

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Elephant in global room - depositphotos.com

It’s not Trump, political divide, racism, climate change, obesity, tech disruption or AI, poverty, population growth, possible pandemic.

However, the above are related symptoms, as this report shows.

The elephant in the room is the very structure of money at the global level – namely Central Banking.

All money is loaned into existence under this system, regardless of the currency.

Because it’s loaned it comes with a debt and interest. And money is never created (loaned) to repay the interest.

So, no matter what currency we can think of, money loses its value over time, and more money must be created just to acquire what cost less before.  Here’s some reading about that.

The largest economies on the planet, either in GDP, asset value or cash are losing their value daily.

Therefore, they, and all of us, are focused on getting more money as soon as possible.

That, if you ponder it, lies behind the drive for productivity, sales, marketing, cost reduction.

That drive causes some people, organisations and even governments to act less honourably.

For example:

  • How can we sell more food? Make it taste better: add more sugar, salt, fats.
  • How can we sell more pharmaceuticals? Make them more addictive; dilute them; make ‘special use’ distinctions for a standard product at different prices.
  • How can we make more money as a financier? Lend more easily; raise rates, create new fee structures; best of all – make money from money!
  • How can we sell more toothpaste? Put less in the same package and make the nozzle bigger.
  • How can we save on welfare? Make the conditions more stringent.
  • How can we save on payroll? Make more redundancies; get people to do more with less; don’t increase wages.
  • How can we survive as fossil-fuel exploiters? Resist the alternatives for as long as possible.

What lies behind all this is the global fiscal community’s inability to admit the error and the ultimate demise of the fiat money system.

Behind that inability (of the global fiscal error) is fear, poor habits and ignorance.

Therefore, the remedy will require courage, better practice and learning.

Hopefully the remedies will occur before it’s too late.

We can all do our bit by being more frugal, learning more about the very structure of money and having the conversations that provide remedies to the problems through courage, better practice and constant learning.

What must be managed better are our egos and our emotions.

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