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The Biggest Elephant in the Room

June 7, 2018

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We speak about it privately.

We speak about the effects it creates, mainly environmental.

We link it to security and especially food and water security.

We confound it with our breakthroughs in medicine and science.

We confuse the issue with our diverse religious and superstitious opinions.

But we never speak directly about it publicly, politically or in any other open forum!

It’s never a news item.

Four Corners hasn’t tackled it yet and maybe never will.

Here’s the elephant: We are over-populating the planet and we don’t know how to talk about it.

We don’t have a solution yet, because we skirt the issue.

Imagine winning a political platform based on the premise: We must cull our herd!

There are optimistic models that say the population will plateau and maybe even decline – but there’s no hard evidence, except in isolated areas where other conditions peculiar to them exist.

We need to embrace this reality and allow common-sense to prevail, not emotions and religious opinions.

Nature is far superior to us and will intervene if we don’t.

And perhaps that’s the correct solution since we can’t manage it effectively ourselves.

Meanwhile, the impact of it, exacerbated by broken global political systems, the coming end of fiat currency (a global Ponzi scheme) is affecting the current civilisation and next few generations, both socially and economically, as we race towards the bottom.

That’s not to say there are a vast array of positives occurring, but they seem to bolster the growing population.

Okay, at least it may be the real reason for a space agency.

The frustrating part for me is that I haven’t come up with a sensible solution yet.

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