CURE Thinking Will Help You Most, Especially Now

March 19, 2020

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Photo by Mika Brandt on Unsplash

You can test it in just a moment.

As you know, the quality of our thinking determines the quality of our actions and influences our outcomes.

What we pay attention to (in our thoughts) grows, directly in accordance with the quality of those thoughts.

For instance, if we focus positively on managing our way through our possible self-isolation, we enhance our ability to thrive through it.

However, if we focus on the negative feelings of how self-isolation will inconvenience us and put us out of our comfort zone, we’re less likely to be effective and more likely increase stress, thus more vulnerable.

If we had a simple effective formula that we could use for our thinking, especially now, how useful would that be?

Automatic negative thinking leads us to succumb to our fears, habits and ignorance, instead of applying courage, better practice and learning.

Automatic negative thinking can lead to error, accident and inaction, or wrong action.

To give power to your brilliant thinking, which must be on manual, not automatic, try applying this formula:

Compassion — Useful — Realistic — Effective

Or  C.U.R.E.

Compassion – for others and equally for self, and for the higher good of us all. There’s nothing more powerful than compassion.  Don’t confuse force with power, they are not the same.

Useful – what helps and makes a positive difference and honours compassion.

Realistic – facts above opinion; knowledge above belief; realistic optimism above unfettered pessimism; and honours compassion and usefulness.

Effective – what works; what gives desired results; and honours compassion, usefulness and a positive reality.

Ensure your thinking includes all the components of CURE.

Give C.U.R.E. thinking the time that it deserves.

Don’t rush it.

Rushed thinking usually means you’re not thinking effectively yet.

There are outstanding examples of rushed thinking out there now aren’t there?

For example, the infamous toilet paper panic and current pathetic hoarding trends.

Their fear is running their show isn’t it?

Apply CURE Thinking Now to This Question:

How can you be your best self during this pandemic, whether as a leader, parent, team member, helper or supporter?

What would happen if you made CURE thinking a practiced habit?

Let me know what you think about this.

Read more in this topic category: Business Alignment
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