Have you noticed organisations that sustain success all have deeply aligned leadership teams?
A deeply aligned leadership team makes better decisions more quickly and effectively and better navigates the volatile business environment, both of which gives them a significant strategic advantage.
Achieving deep alignment requires:
- Ensuring the values and vision are shared and there is agreement about how to model and achieve them.
- effective attitudes, behaviours and conversations, an area of common neglect and avoidance
- co-creation as opposed to merely cooperating and collaborating
- continuous team development practice, to build, deepen and retain trust.
Benefits of having a deeply aligned leadership team
- Increased flexibility to respond to constant change more quickly and effectively.
- Increased organisational performance which can be measured by productivity, profitability, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction.
- More effective co-creation and innovation, meaning they can work together to create something better than what they each already have. It comes from deeper trust and teamwork.
- Stronger relationships which develop better culture, performance and productivity and less conflict, because they invest in deliberate team strengthening.
- Deep alignment amongst leaders means the whole organisation is aligned, reducing, or avoiding wasted time, wasted resources, wasted energy, and wasted opportunity.
Deep alignment of your leadership team is one of the five components of your Business Vortex, that space from which all decisions and actions are generated.
The right focus on your Business Vortex underwrites your sustainable success.
If you’d like to discover the state of all five components of your own Business Vortex, just click here to do your complimentary eight-minute Business Vortex Health Check.
Then I’ll email you your report, as a gift.
It could be your no-risk game-changer!