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The Formula for Corporate Success Today

September 30, 2014

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The Formula for Corporate Success Today

We live in times of uncertainty, volatility, ambiguity, even chaos.

Disruptive change is upon us all.

We are emerging from leading and managing focussed only on spreadsheets and fiscal data.

That’s because it’s not delivering the results we seek.

We must embrace an additional formula not used by accountants and economists. Not their fault.

We want to harness our latent human potential.

What should that be?

Here’s the formula that I plead you to consider:

LE + EE + PMy + IMy > Prod & CX & OSX = SGP©

Explaining the Formula

LE – Leadership Engagement – where your leaders are in touch with the state, needs and aspirations of your people and you are doing something about it. It requires you to have sound authentic relations with your people.

EE – Employee Engagement – where all the conditions that cause your employees to turn up and are inspired to be their best.

PMy – Performance Mastery – with LE and EE in place, your people can achieve Performance Mastery.

IMy – Innovation Mastery – with previous three conditions in place your organisation is in the best position to innovate and stay ahead in the game. Innovation is essential for sustainability.

The four conditions above, deliver the following outcomes, subject to their effectiveness:

Prod – Productivity – that measurement must be designed by your company, based on your unique activity. Industry benchmarking is a cause of mediocrity. You are playing against your current self.

CX – Customer Experience – you must ask your customers five specific questions. The fabled Net Promoter Score – that one question, is insufficient to give you the information you need to improve effectively. However it does give fat corporations an excuse to outsource what matters most.

OSX – Other Stakeholder Experience – your suppliers, your financiers, your media, your community, your government – they are all important to your business and you cannot ignore them.

These three outcomes give you the HOLY GRAIL – your goal beyond the enjoyment of delivering your service – SGP.

SGP = Sustainable Growth and Profitability – without which your company is doomed. Sorry.

Using the Formula

Each component of this formula must be measured. You can design the measurement that best suits your organisation.

It doesn’t matter whether you are for profit or not-for-profit, NGO or government.

Growth and profit will be measured in ways that match your organisation’s purpose.

Seek the people that can effectively help you. They may not be the big boys.

My question is – will you consider this?

I’d love your feedback.

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