Small business is the backbone of our economy.
Your success is good for all of us, especially for you and your people.
You can rapidly enhance your success by attending to these five ideas:
- Persistent problems in your business occur mainly because the right leader doesn’t have the right conversation with the right person at the right time.
- Crucial leadership conversations – the skills of respectful effective observing, listening, asking and telling – have immediate positive impact on attitude, behaviour, performance and productivity.
- Execution failure, rework, and sub-standard results are mostly caused by both the delegator and the delegatee not understanding the best delegation process.
- Your leadership is the primary determinant of the culture.
- Your business’s culture is the primary determinant of performance and productivity.
You can immediately attend to the first four ideas, and that will rapidly improve the fifth, for sustainable growth and profitability.
If you could get the specific ‘how’ as it relates to your business, knowing it will pay for itself as you go, would you act now?
You’d get a 25% improvement in key areas, in 90 days, if you have up to 150 staff.