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Why Established Enterprises Struggle with Disruption

May 10, 2018

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If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.


It doesn’t have to be broken to become redundant.

It reminds me of the book title “What got you here, won’t get you there”.

The longer an enterprise enjoys success increases their potential for failure.

That’s what the evidence shows.


Because we are hard-wired for the status quo.

It takes courage to change or examine what’s already working well.

There will be loud and influential voices shouting, “Change nothing.”

It takes awareness of old habits to seek better practice.

There’ll be loud and influential voices urging, “Stay the same.”

It takes an attitude of life-long learning to keep experimenting.

There’ll be loud and influential voices arguing, “We already know everything that matters.”

And then they fail.

Fail fast whilst trying to improve rather than stay the same and become redundant.

However, it takes courage, better practice and continuous learning to overcome fear, outdated habits and stuck knowledge, to stay relevant today.

Complacent boards and entitled executives are the cause of enterprise demise.

Good riddance.

Except that I feel for their people and our economy.

If you are a complacent board member or C-level executive, look in the mirror and ask yourself whether you are there for yourself or something bigger than you.

Apply your courage, better practice and continuous learning.

Do not be stymied by your fear, habits and ignorance.  We all have them and their opposite.

Do it. Be great.

Tip: Examine the workplace culture – you leaders are causing it.  It’s all in the culture.

I’m happy to engage in a discussion about this.


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