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Black Hole Leadership

March 21, 2019

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Black holes are powerful and suck everything into their vortex.

Science is still coming to grips with them.

All we know yet is that what goes in, doesn’t come out!

In the dimension of leadership, there exist those leaders with black hole traits.

What do I mean?

I mean this: powerful leaders anywhere, families, communities, companies and nations, can be like black holes.

You recognise them by these traits:

They believe perceptions are better than reality – they wrongfully say (and believe) that perception is reality.

That enables them to lie, spin and mislead to suit their agendas.

They shut down inquiry into better possibilities.

They wish to keep the status quo – their power.

They use their position to force others to bend to their will.

They use our fears, our habits of complacency and our ignorance (mainly through the feeding of distorted information, and our frantic efforts to keep head above water) to subdue us into compliance.

They pit their well-resourced misguided disciples against our voices of reason.

They ignore any opinion or evidence that doesn’t suit their purpose.

They are fixed in their mindset – they believe they know best and know all.

They are beyond learning.  Beyond humility. Beyond empathy.

Their values are selfish.

They create cultures that are toxic and self-destructive.

Could their existence be useful?

After all, they give us something to overcome, something to better ourselves against.

Just as Hitler did.

Just as Trump and others like him are doing now.

They are living examples of how not to be.

Their tools are fear, habits and ignorance.

Our antidote is courage, better practice and constant learning.

Fear, habits and ignorance are the structure of ego.

Courage, better practice and constant learning are the structure of who we really are.

Leaders with the traits of black holes could be gifts with whom we strengthen ourselves.

If we succumb to our fears, habits and ignorance, we fall into their well laid holes.

If we persist with our unified courage, better practice and continual learning these ‘black hole’ leaders disappear, leaving us stronger and hopefully wiser.

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