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Have You Got the ‘Triple H Factor’ that Makes an Effective Trusted Leader?

October 18, 2018

Blog Topic

I’ve been an executive coach for two decades and before that a leader in defence, law-enforcement and commerce.

Despite that, I’m still learning to be a better leader myself as I help others.

I was asked recently if I could distil everything about being a great leader down to three traits.

I described those traits as the Triple H Factor.

Humility:  Be open, learning, to realising we don’t have all the answers, to remaining curious, inquisitive, listening and observing, and above all, asking.  It keeps us adaptable.

Heart:  Show you care for them and the values/vision/mission/goal, that you have resilience and courage.

Head: Show you have the right level of competence and that you are thinking and deciding effectively, remaining calm and centred, even when they aren’t.

In an ideal world you’ll bring all three to the table at once.

However, read where your people are right now, what they need now, not what you believe they need now.

So start by observing, listening and asking and listening again.

Then show that you care about them and the task at hand.

Then use your head and make the best decision that your people feel includes them, their concerns and desires, both personally and for the task at hand.

Yes, it’s a tall order, and that is the nature of leadership.

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