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Why Is It So?

January 22, 2015

Blog Topic

I plead with you for your answers to these five questions:

  • Why, when we know the value of leadership and the massive return on investment in having effective leaders, do we not invest sufficient and realistic time and energy in developing effective leaders?
  • Why, when we know that shared values drive sustainable desired outcomes for an enterprise, do we ignore them and express contrary behaviours instead?
  • Why, when we know the real requirements to have authentically engaged employees, do we ignore those requirements and think we can have them engaged with fear, surveys, and trinkets and coin instead?
  • Why, when we know that nothing in nature grows continuously except for cancers (until they exhaust their host), do we persist in expecting our economy to behave as a cancer?
  • Why, when we know that by 2016, according to Oxfam, 1% of the world’s population will own more than 50% of its wealth, do we persist in behaving as we do?

Is it merely fear, habit or ignorance or a combination of them?

Or could it be something else?

I would really appreciate your opinion.

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