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February 3, 2015

It’s Time to be Motivated

Fluctuating economies, fears of deflation, terrorism, global unemployment increasing, climate change. Uncertainty, volatility, ambiguity, chaos and disruptive change seem to characterise our world. We’re finding it difficult to trust our governments, politicians and business leaders. They don’t inspire us with authentic values and vision, beyond appealing to our self-interests around survival, security and surety needs. […]

January 29, 2015

The Secret to Enterprise Productivity

Improving productivity is high on the leaders’ agenda. Scholarly and practical articles alike focus on the productivity outcome created by the relationship between inputs and outputs, debating only what inputs and outputs to measure. What are measured mainly are financial and product or service data. I think they are missing the secret reality. There are […]

January 27, 2015

Why Female Executives Should Hire a Male Executive Coach

I am privileged to have coached a number of female executives, all who have risen to more prominence and success as leaders. Females make great leaders, provided they can earn the trust and respect of their fellow male executives. If they can earn the trust and respect of their peers, then the rest will follow. […]

January 22, 2015

Why Is It So?

I plead with you for your answers to these five questions: Why, when we know the value of leadership and the massive return on investment in having effective leaders, do we not invest sufficient and realistic time and energy in developing effective leaders? Why, when we know that shared values drive sustainable desired outcomes for […]

January 20, 2015

Metattude’s Enterprise Success Models

Hierarchy of Enterprise Success© Within each of the above “bricks” of success there are related and inter-related requirements that ensure the integrity of each brick and the model as a whole. For instance the brick of Continuous Learning and Improvement includes the setting of key performance indicators or results areas, their measurement, performance mastery, innovation […]

January 15, 2015

The Three Abused Ms and Why You the Leader Can Get It Right

In the past I’ve been as misguided about what really matters as anyone could be. For the last twenty odd years I’ve being trying to make amends. I had fallen prey to the abused versions of the three Ms – money, marketing and media. Don’t get me wrong – money, marketing and media can have […]

January 13, 2015

The Problem with My Existing Expertise

“How long did it take you to become an expert in your field?” I was asked. “Well, I’m still learning” I replied. “There are over 7 billion people on the planet and they are all individuals. Until I fully understand them all, at least, I’ll need to keep learning.” “What about you?” I asked my […]

January 8, 2015

Your Worth is Your Honour

We forget the true value of many things these days. Everything seems to be measured by its monetary value. Monetising everything seems to be the driver for so many of us. Yet money itself has no real value, it is merely representing value, if we accept the currency. The true value is our honourable effort. […]

January 6, 2015

The Seven Things Buyers of Leadership Development Programs Need To Know

Enterprises are learning that leadership matters much more than they thought. Sensibly, more investment is being made in leadership development. Here are the seven things buyers of leadership development programs need to know before they buy: Context – that the program is deeply contextualised to their business – full of story, culture, challenges and expertise […]

December 23, 2014

The Essence of Trust

Whether we are a leader or team member, we all seek to be trusted and to trust others. I distil trust into the three “C’s” which must be present to earn trust. Consistent Care and Competence. If we are caring or compassionate yet incompetent, then we cannot earn trust. If we are competent yet do […]

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