Tag: Behavioural Traits

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May 9, 2019

How A Leader Resolved Internal Conflict in the Office

The Conflict Phil asked Sheryl for a hand completing a proposal for their client. Sheryl responded quite firmly: “No, Phil, you’re always asking for help at the last minute and I’ve my own deadlines to meet.   You should have started the proposal earlier!” Phil: ”That’s not fair, you know what I’ve got on my plate.” […]

February 21, 2019

An Ultimate Recipe to Deal with Difficult People?

I was asked that question by a person on Quora recently. Here is my answer. Yes, I believe there is. However, there are nuances and variations that depend upon your own behaviour and communication traits, and those of the difficult person, and we are all unique. That said, here is the process I coach to […]

November 9, 2017

Executive Coaching at the Right and Best Level

There is a ubiquitous crisis of leadership in the workplace. Gallup says 82% of managers are the wrong fit. Executives are both leaders and managers.   They lead people and manage processes and things. We can’t manage people, we can only either lead them or not. Sadly, most executives are chosen, not for pre-existing leadership or […]

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