Small to medium enterprises are our biggest employer group, have a huge impact on our economy, and yet are the most vulnerable! The major challenges they face are: People - their own and their customers Cashflow Business processes Marketing and sales Productivity and...
Business Alignment
When a business is aligned in its efforts they go one step closer to becoming an industry leader.
David offers discovery calls to ensure your company will be a good fit for his executive leadership programs.
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Trust in the Workplace
Trust is an essential component of us being able to work together, serve others and buy from others. Trust in leaders is essential for an enterprise to be able to deliver its promise. Today, trust is greatly diminished at all levels, in politics, government, and...
Expectations or Agreements?
Do these examples sound familiar to you? After the usual greetings and niceties, Mike, the manager, began the meeting with his direct reports with this statement, “Well, getting down to business, I expect that we’ll hear positive reports about your projects’ progress....
Dealing with Office and Corporate Politics
You work in an organisation that is complex. You will often navigate between both functional and dysfunctional aims, needs and issues. The political landscape in organisations will include: Whole of government requirements versus departmental requirements e.g. funding...
How Small Business Can Achieve Rapid Improvement
Small to medium enterprises are the engine room of the economy. They employ a staggering 99.8 of the Australian workforce.1 Yet they are also the most vulnerable.2 For example, they are vulnerable to: fluctuating banking policy and behaviour; inability to fund growth...
A Blueprint for Your Business Make Over
Brian (not his real name) is an expert cabinet maker, specialising in custom kitchen and bathroom design. He loves the challenge of creating kitchens and bathrooms for residences, especially larger renovations. He has grown the 20-year-old business to employing 15...
Why Established Enterprises Struggle with Disruption
If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Really? It doesn’t have to be broken to become redundant. It reminds me of the book title “What got you here, won’t get you there”. The longer an enterprise enjoys success increases their...
Root Cause Analysis Made More Accurate
Root cause analysis is the process for determining the real cause of a problem, malfunction, error or oversight, so that the situation can be remedied and not occur again. Root cause analysis practices can vary according to the category, for example safety,...
The Power of Gratefulness
My client, an officer in the emergency management sector, was recovering from PTSD. He had seen too many fatal incidents, had too many terrible experiences. They had affected him personally. He felt guilt and anger. He felt helpless. My purpose was to help him...
Tenders and RFQs Are a Guarantee of Mediocrity for Human Services
Recently, after more than 20 years as a leadership consultant, I have elected to never tender or submit a competitive RFQ (request for quote) again. OK, I’m a slow learner! I realise that it will diminish the number of clients I work with, which is not necessarily a...